David Tipoki and Private Eye

- Cabaret
- Blues
- Acoustic
- 90's
- 80's
- 70's
- 60's
- 50's
- Bands & Musicians
- Country
- Cover Band
- Dance Band
- Dinner Dance Band
- Disco Bands
- Funk
- Groove act
- Hawiian
- Instrumental
- Mulitcultural
- Multi-instrumentalist
- Noughties/2000's
- Party Band
- Polynesian
- Pop
- R&B
- Reggae
- Rock
- Rock & Roll
- Show Band
- Soul
- Top 40
- Ukulele act
- Club entertainment
- Daytime show
- Solo Show
- Guitarist
- Hawaiian
- Musicians
- One man bands
- Touring show
David is a very versatile performing and creative artist, equally at home either as a solo performer or as a member of a group. As a consummate artiste he injects a strength and power of vibrancy blended with the soul and spirit that only comes through experience and true talent. With a track record of more than 23 years experience behind him performing professionally, David personifies the meaning of “entertainment”.
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